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Majestic Court 5, St. Mary's Street

LisaLise offers online education of natural plant-based cosmetics via e-books and courses

Mixed Butter Balm - Next Batch

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Mixed Butter Balm - Next Batch


Pictured: the ingredients for a mixed butter balm I have been tweaking since last year. The featured butters are cocoa butter, mango butter, murumuru butter, and kombo butter. I’ve also included a few handcrafted herb-infused oils.

Why so much tweaking?

Getting plant butters to play nice together can be a bit trickier than expected. Each butter has its own melt point and fatty acid profile.

What does this mean?

It means if the butters aren’t treated optimally (despite their varying requirements for butter happiness) the resulting balm could crystallise (develop unwanted graininess) over time.

Getting them all to play nice and stay happy with each other may sound like boring work to some, but I find this part of formulation development quite fascinating and educational.

Do Tell

Are you a tweaker? Which types of formulas are your favorites to tinker with?

If you love making balms as much as I do, you might find the book below interesting.