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Majestic Court 5, St. Mary's Street

LisaLise offers online education of natural plant-based cosmetics via e-books and courses

Shower Shakers With Added Color

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Shower Shakers With Added Color


Pictured above is a shower shaker with ingredients list.

These are easy and fun to make with endless possibilties for variations. I’ve been making and using them a while now, and because I go through quite a lot, I am continually experimenting with ingredients.

On a whim a few batches ago, I added a tiny bit of green and blue spirulina to color the salts – thinking it would be a good idea, but I immediately regretted it after mixing everything together. The whole look just wasn’t very appealing and looked almost ‘dirty’.

While wondering whether I should toss the batch or just go ahead and use it, I added water to try it as a hand scrub.

It turned it into this absolutely stunning summertime teal color.

Because spirulina rinses away easily without staining either the skin or the shower, the whole experience ended up being a happy discovery, and I have been adding a little pop of color to my shakers ever since.

TIP: If you want to do this too, add powdered ingredients that will not stain either skin or skin or shower. I’ve had good results with green spirulina, blue spirulina, rose powder, and handcrafted green leaf powders.

Shower Shakers Explained

If you have only recently started reading my blog and haven’t even heard of a shower shaker before, then here’s a quick explanation (and there are links to more below). A shower shaker is a dry mix of ingredients used as an in-shower exfoliating scrub.

Dry ingredients in a shower?

Not a good idea - because you have to turn off the water to apply.

But that’s exactly what makes a shower shaker a good idea.

To use one correctly, you save water while smoothing and exfoliating your skin, so it’s both a skin and planet friendly thing to do.

Are you ready to make your own? It’s easy peasy! Check the links below for how-to’s and inspiration.

The idea behind shower shakers

Sustainable skincare in the shower

How to Make an Exfoliating Shower Shaker

Salt and Pepper Shower Shaker

Herbal Shower Shaker

Pink Shower Shaker

Shower Shaker Tips and Tricks

For more bath products, check the book below