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Majestic Court 5, St. Mary's Street

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Rosy Salt for Shower Shakers

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Rosy Salt for Shower Shakers


There doesn’t seem to be any limit to what you can use rose petals for.

Pictured: my latest addition to my current summer-themed shower shaker: Ground (dried) wildcrafted rose petals mixed with salt. It doesn’t even take a lot of rose to bring about this gorgeous pink color.

This perfectly pink ingredient could in effect be used solo as a body scrub, or add additional ingredients to make a more sophisticated scrub with botanical powders and a combination of salts.

It would also work well as the basis for a classic exfoliating body scrub in a fragrant oil base – packaged up with a little spoon.

Replace the salt with sugar and you have an equally fabulous ingredient that could either be used to bake cookies, or used as a sweet rose lip scrub, or a luxurious rose body scrub.

Do Tell

Do you use dried rose petals in your skincare products? What is your favorite way of using them?

Psst: The book below uses loads of different botanicals for bath products.