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Majestic Court 5, St. Mary's Street

LisaLise offers online education of natural plant-based cosmetics via e-books and courses

Another Self Preserving Honey Cleanser

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Another Self Preserving Honey Cleanser


I don’t believe I will ever grow tired of making these self preserving cleansers. The combination possibilities are quite literally only limited by ones imagination. And since these are my regular morning instant mask and cleanse, I do go through quite a few of them. I generally apply to hydrosol-misted face and neck a few minutes before entering the shower, then rinse off as the last thing before leaving the shower. This gives the ingredients maximum time to do their skin-loving magic.

Combining honey with glycerites and botanicals in the perfect proportions means they function as an excellent moisture boost and facial cleanser.

It’s hard to believe something like this could be so easy to make and offer so many ways of customisation.

The pictured cleanser is made with spirulina, chamomile, and rosehips powder. I used the formulation guideline in the Natural Cleansers book linked below.

Do Tell

Do you make your own honey cleansers? What are your favorite botanicals to add? Please feel free to share in a comment below.

Want to make your own self preserving glycerites too? Check the bundle offer below.