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Majestic Court 5, St. Mary's Street

LisaLise offers online education of natural plant-based cosmetics via e-books and courses

Capturing the Scent of Lilacs

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Capturing the Scent of Lilacs


Photo 12-05-2020, 21.22.55.png

Glycerine is said to have the ability to capture even the most delicate of fragrances, so, this year I’m putting it to the test.

Here in Copenhagen, they have only just started to bloom and I have been lucky enough to have a neighbor agree to a generous supply of lilacs. My plan is to charge the glycerine several times (much as one generally does with the enfleurage method).

Time will tell if this method works. If it does, I have a few skincare products in mind - one of which is a self-preserving cleanser.